Dopuszczając do obrotu swoje akcje na paryskiej giełdzie NYSE Euronext w grudniu 2005, Eutelsat Communications wdrożył procedury kontroli wewnętrznej, mające zapobiegać lub zmniejszać ryzyko, jakie niesie za sobą prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej, ale także ryzyko księgowe i finansowe, wynikające z przepisów ustawowych i wykonawczych, mających zastosowanie do spółek widniejących w indeksie giełdy.
Zarząd Grupy postępuje zgodnie z wytycznymi Kodeksu AFEP-MEDEF.


Pod czujnym okiem korporacji

Chaired by Dominique d'Hinnin, the Eutelsat Communications Board of Directors is made up of 9 members, 44% of whom are women, 67% of whom are independent Directors and 22% of whom are non-French.
A seat of Board censeur is occupied permanently by the Executive Secretary of the EUTELSAT Intergovernmental Organization. Two representatives of the Social and Economic Committee (CSE) of the Company’s operating subsidiary, Eutelsat S.A., participate in Board meetings as observers.
Selected for their knowledge, integrity, independent spirit and their determination to serve the interests of all shareholders, Board members reflect a diverse range of experience, nationalities and cultures. They are committed to vigilant corporate governance, best practices, risk management and compliance with commitments.

* Independent Directors


Dominique d'Hinnin*

Chairman of the Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Chairman of the Compensation Committee
Member of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
Member of the Nomination and Governance Committee


Dominique D'Hinnin was appointed independent Chairman of Eutelsat Communications S.A. on November 8, 2017 and has been a member of the Board since November 4, 2016.

Dominique D’Hinnin is a graduate of the École normale supérieure and a former Inspecteur des finances. He spent much of his career at the Lagardère Group where he joined in 1990 as an advisor to Philippe Camus. He was then appointed Director of Internal Audit and CFO of Hachette Livre in 1993, and in 1994, Executive Vice President of Grolier, Inc. (Connecticut, USA). He was Lagardère CFO from 1998 to 2009, and Lagardère SCA Co-managing Partner from 2009 to 2016. He is a former Board Member of Airbus and Canal+ and former Advisory Board Member of PricewaterhouseCoopers France.

Dominique D’Hinnin is currently also Board Member of the Spanish media company PRISA, of the French Company Edenred, of the French company Technicolor and of the Belgian distribution company Louis Delhaize SA.

Dominique D’Hinnin, born on August 4, 1959, is a French national.

× COM CORPO EUTELSAT Portrait d'Eva Berneke, directrice generale d

Eva Berneke

Eva Berneke joined Eutelsat on 1st January 2022 as Chief Executive Officer. She is also a member of the Board.

Eva brings considerable experience of the Telecoms and Technology industries. She joins Eutelsat from KMD, Denmark's leading IT and software company, specialising in IT solutions and services for the public and private sector, and now part of the NEC Group. During her tenure she oversaw the transformation of KMD from a mainly government service provider to a modern, digital company competing in both the public and private sectors.

Prior to that Eva held several senior positions at TDC, formerly TeleDanmark, the largest telecommunications company in Denmark, notably as Head of Strategy and Head of the company’s Wholesale Business division. Eva began her career at McKinsey where she developed a specialization in the TMT sectors and where she was based for 10 years at the group’s Paris offices.

Eva sits on the Boards of international groups Lego and Vestas Wind Systems as well as France’s Ecole Polytechnique. She is a graduate of Denmark’s Technical University, where she gained a master’s degree in mechanical engineering, and holds an MBA from INSEAD. Eva is fluent in French and English.


Sunil Bharti Mittal

Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
Member of the Nomination and Governance Committee
Member of the Strategy Committee


Sunil Bharti Mittal was appointed Vice-Chairman of Eutelsat Communications S.A. on 28 September 2023.

Sunil Bharti Mittal is the Founder and Chairman of Bharti Enterprises, one of India’s foremost first-generation corporations with interests in telecom, space communications, digital solutions, insurance, agri-processed foods, real estate and hospitality. Bharti has joint ventures with several global partners like SingTel, SoftBank, AXA, Del Monte and the UK Government, amongst others.

Sunil Bharti Mittal has served as the Chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce and the Chairman of GSM Association concurrently from 2016 to 2018. He has been a Trustee at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace from 2009 to 2021. Sunil is serving as Chair of the B20 Action Council on African Economic Integration during India’s G20 Presidency. He is also a serving Commissioner at the International Telecommunication Union/UNESCO Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development. He is a member of the World Economic Forum’s International Business Council and a member of the Global Board of Advisors at the Council on Foreign Relations. Sunil has served on the boards of several multinational companies including Unilever PLC, Standard Chartered Bank PLC and SoftBank Corp.

Sunil Bharti Mittal born on October 23, 1957, is an Indian National.


Bharti Space Limited, represented by Shravin Bharti Mittal

Board Member
Board member
Member of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
Member of the Compensation Committee
Member of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee


Shravin Bharti Mittal is the Founder of Unbound and the Managing Director of Bharti Global Limited, the international investment arm of the Bharti family, with interests in telecom, real estate, energy and technology.

Unbound is one of the top-performing global technology investment firms, focusing on financial services, enterprise software, logistics, and health & wellness. Unbound has 27 investments including Databricks, Asana, Cars24, Motorway, Deep Instinct and Stripe.

Between 2016 and 2017, Shravin was an Investor at SoftBank Vision Fund, a US$100 billion fund that invests in technology companies. Prior to that, Shravin was an Assistant Director at Better Capital, a private equity firm in London, from 2014 to 2015. Shravin was responsible for turning around distressed businesses in the retail and manufacturing industry.

Between 2010 and 2012, Shravin was a manager at Airtel Africa, where he was part of the senior management team spearheading the post-acquisition integration of Zain. Following his tenure in Africa, Shravin joined the Airtel India team to launch 3G. Prior to that he worked with J.P. Morgan in investment banking covering technology, media and telecommunications.

Shravin holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of Bath and a master’s degree and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Shravin Bharti Mittal, born on August 31, 1987, is an British national.


Bpifrance Participations, represented by Stéphanie Frachet

Board Member

Bpifrance Participations (since July 12, 2013, formerly Fonds Stratégique d’Investissement – FSI) is currently represented by Stéphanie Frachet, Managing Director and Executive Committee member of Bpifrance Capital Development since 2017.  She joined Bpifrance in 2009and has eighteen years of experience in finance and private equity.

Stéphanie Frachet is a graduate of ESSEC Business School. From 2001 to 2007, she was in charge of audit missions and Transaction Services, at Ernst & Young and PricewaterhouseCoopers respectively, working on Mergers & Acquisitions and LBO transactions. In 2007, she joined Société Générale's Leverage Finance team where she was in charge of the financing for LBO transactions for mid-caps and large groups. Previously, she was a permanent representative of Bpifrance at Sarenza and Cylande, censeur at Verallia and Carso as well as an independent Board Member at Eurosic.

Stéphanie Frachet is currently also a Board Member at Valeo, Eutelsat, Constellium (NYSE-listed company), Sulo (formerly Plastic Omnium Environnement) and Sabena technics. She sits as a censeur on the Board of Paprec.

Stéphanie Frachet, born on May 17, 1977, is a French national.


Mia Brunell Livfors*

Board member
Board member
Member of the Compensation Committee
Member of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee

An Economics and Business Administration graduate at Stockholm University, Mia Brunell Livfors’ has been CEO of the Axel Johnson AB Group since 2015, CEO of the Kinnevik Group between 2006 and 2014 and CFO of the Modern Times Group MTG AB between 2001 and 2006. Mia has extensive Chairman and Director experience on various international listed, public and private company boards. Mia’s experience ranges across various industries including retail B2B and B2C, food, IT, telecoms, media, industry, fashion, beauty and solar energy.

Mia Brunell Livfors, born on November 30, 1965, is a Swedish national.


Piotr Dmochowski-Lipski

“Censeur” & Executive Secretary of EUTELSAT IGO
“Censeur” & Executive Secretary of EUTELSAT IGO


Piotr Dmochowski-Lipski is the Executive Secretary of the European Telecommunications Satellite Organization, EUTELSAT IGO, an intergovernmental organization headquartered in Paris. In March 2021, the Assembly of Parties of EUTELSAT IGO reelected Mr. Piotr Dmochowski-Lipski of Poland to the post of Executive Secretary for a second four-year term beginning on July 2, 2021. In February 2018, he was appointed Commissioner of the United Nation’s Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development.

He started his career as a journalist for Radio Free Europe in New York, followed by work as a consultant for Coopers and Lybrand in Boston and Manager at KPMG in Washington. Since then he has worked internationally in senior management positions in financial services, media, telecommunications and government services. Immediately prior to assuming his post at the head of EUTELSAT IGO, he was the CEO of PCG Polska, a subsidiary of Boston-based Public Consulting Group, Inc. His other experiences include positions as CFO of Polska Telewizja Kablowa (today UPC Poland), CFO of TVP S.A. – Poland’s National Public Television and Director General of the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

Piotr Dmochowski-Lipski also represented the Polish Government at the European Space Agency (ESA) in Paris, the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO) in Washington as well as the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Program Board of the European Commission in Brussels. He has also served on several corporate boards of private and public corporations and completed a course for non-executive corporate directors at Stanford University. He holds a Masters in Public Administration degree from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and an MBA with honors from Boston University.


FSP*, represented by Agnès Audier

Board Member
Board Member
Member of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
Member of the Compensation Committee


Fonds Stratégique de Participations (FSP) is a long-term equity investor in French companies, backed by six major French insurance companies (BNP Paribas Cardif, CNP Assurances, Crédit Agricole Assurances through its subsidiary Predica, Sogécap (Société Générale Group), Groupama et Natixis Assurances).

FSP is currently represented by Agnès Audier.

Agnès Audier is a former student of École normale supérieure, an Engineer (Ingénieure en chef du Corps des Mines), a scientist by training and a graduate of SciencesPo. From 1993 to 1995, she was technical advisor to the Minister of Social Affairs of Health and the Urban Policy, Ms Simone Veil. From 1995 to 1997, she was Head of the Private Office for the Minister of Small Businesses and Retail, Mr Jean‑Pierre Raffarin who was subsequently appointed as Prime Minister. From 1997 to 2001, she was Senior Vice President for Strategy and Business Development for the Générale des Eaux Group (which became Vivendi and then Vivendi Universal) and Secretary of the Executive Committee of Vivendi Group. She was then appointed CEO of VivendiNet, Vivendi Universal’s Internet and Technology Division. From 2003 to 2006, she was Executive Vice President and Chief Performance Officer for Havas Group, a leading global advertising and communications group. In 2007, she joined BCG (Boston Consulting group) where she was member of the Western Europe and Latin America Management Committee and was elected Partner and Managing Director in 2008.

Agnès Audier is currently also, since October 2019, an independent consultant on issues of digital transformation and data and Senior Advisor at BCG.

Agnès Audier, born November 3, 1964, is a French national.


Esther Gaide*

Board Member
Board Member
Chair of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee


Esther Gaide is currently, since March 2018, Chief Financial Officer of the Elior Group.

Esther Gaide, a graduate of ESSEC and a chartered accountant, began her career in 1983 in the external audit departments of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in Paris and London and then with Deloitte in Paris and the USA. In 1994, she joined Bolloré Group as Group Internal Audit Director where she set up the internal audit department participating in the reorganization of the maritime department and the takeover of the Rivaud Group. Between 1996 and 2006, she successively held the positions of CFO of the Bolloré Logistics Division, CFO of the Bolloré Africa Logistics Division and ultimately Group Director of Controlling, in charge of the accounting, consolidation and control. In 2006, she joined Havas to then become Deputy CFO and HR Director. In 2011, she joined Technicolor (ex-Thomson) as Group Director of Controlling supervising accounting, consolidation and control. In 2012, she was appointed Deputy CFO before becoming, in 2015, CFO and member of the Executive Committee of Technicolor.

Esther Gaide, born September 6, 1961, is a French national.


Cynthia Gordon*

Board Member
Board Member
Member of the Nomination and Governance Committee


Cynthia Gordon, a graduate in Business Studies from the University of Brighton, began her career at Unilever and Lloyds Bank before developing her experience in the telecom sector. She is former Chief Marketing Officer and Management Board member at MTS, a leading mobile operator in Russia and the CIS area with over 100 million subscribers. She spent 10 years at Orange - France Telecom where she held the positions of VP Business Marketing and VP Partnerships & Emerging Markets, during which she led negotiations with Apple. She is former Group Chief Commercial Officer at Ooredoo Group operating across MENA and Asia, former CEO of Millicom Africa, a telecom and media company with over 51 million customers in Africa and Latin America and former Board Member of Kinnivik AB.

Cynthia Gordon is also currently Chair of the Board of Directors of Global Fashion Group (e-commerce fashion retailer) and Board Member of Tele2 (telephone operator in the Nordic and Baltic countries), of Bayport (retail financial services in Africa and Latam) and of BIMA Mobile (micro-insurance and health services).

Cynthia Gordon, born on 17 November 1962, is a British national.


Florence parly

Board Member
Board Member    
Member of the Nomination and Governance Committee    
Member of the Compensation Committee


Florence Parly, graduate of the Institut d'études politiques de Paris and former student of the Ecole nationale d'administration has extensive experience in policy and government.

She began her civil career in 1987 in the Budget Department. She worked in various ministerial cabinets later serving as Secretary of State for the Budget from 2000 to 2002 and as Minister of the Armed Forces from 2017 to 2022.

She has also served in senior leadership roles in the private sector, as Director of Investment Strategy then as Deputy CEO of Air France and then CEO of SNCF Voyageurs. She is currently also Supervisory Board member of Caisse des Dépôts, senior advisor of Jolt Capital (technology growth investing), Director of Newcleo (developing innovative nuclear reactors) and Chair of the Board of Directors of the French National Conservatory of Science and Technology (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers). 

Florence Parly, born on 8 May 1963, is a French national.


Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology of the United Kingdom, represented by Elena Ciallie

Board member
Board Member
Member of the Nomination and Governance Committee
Member of the Strategy Committee

Elena Ciallie joined UKGI as Executive Director in October 2020, focusing on providing corporate governance and corporate finance advice to government. In addition to her role at UKGI, she presently is a Non-Executive Director at illimity Bank, a digital only SME focused bank headquartered in Milan, Italy.

Prior to her current roles, she had a 25-year career in investment banking at Citibank, Goldman Sachs and Ondra Partners advising companies across Europe on financial strategy, capital raising and capital allocation.

Elena Ciallie, born on September 7, 1967, is a British and Italian national.



Board member
Board member
Member of the Strategy Committee

After graduating with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from Korea University and an MBA from Stanford University, Dong Wan Yoo was a consultant at The Boston Consulting Group and a manager at Arthur D Little before joining the Hanwha Group in 2006 where he has spent the last 16 years in corporate strategic planning, business development and investment management.

Dong Wan Yoo is currently the senior executive vice president of Hanwha Systems and Hanwha Aerospace where he leads space businesses spanning satellite communications, earth observation, advanced air mobility, space missions and rocket construction.

Dong Wan Yoo, born on January 25, 1971, is a South Korean national.


Członkowie Komitetu Wykonawczego Eutelsat określają i prowadzą strategię Grupy, której główne założenia podlegają nadzorowi Zarządu.

× COM CORPO EUTELSAT Portrait d'Eva Berneke, directrice generale d

Eva Berneke

Eva Berneke joined Eutelsat on 1st January 2022 as Chief Executive Officer. She is also a member of the Board.

Eva brings considerable experience of the Telecoms and Technology industries. She joins Eutelsat from KMD, Denmark's leading IT and software company, specialising in IT solutions and services for the public and private sector, and now part of the NEC Group. During her tenure she oversaw the transformation of KMD from a mainly government service provider to a modern, digital company competing in both the public and private sectors.

Prior to that Eva held several senior positions at TDC, formerly TeleDanmark, the largest telecommunications company in Denmark, notably as Head of Strategy and Head of the company’s Wholesale Business division. Eva began her career at McKinsey where she developed a specialization in the TMT sectors and where she was based for 10 years at the group’s Paris offices.

Eva sits on the Boards of international groups Lego and Vestas Wind Systems as well as France’s Ecole Polytechnique. She is a graduate of Denmark’s Technical University, where she gained a master’s degree in mechanical engineering, and holds an MBA from INSEAD. Eva is fluent in French and English.

× bath

David bath

Chief Information Officer

David Bath became Chief Information Officer on the merger of Eutelsat with OneWeb in September 2023. Working across the Group, David will oversee the delivery of services and end-to-end journeys for customers, employees and partners. This spans digital, data, security, IP Networks and IT infrastructure capabilities, and he manages the IT roadmap, architecture and delivery.

At OneWeb, in his role as Senior Vice President Products, Platforms and Networks, David had responsibility for building teams and driving performance across commercial, technology, and operations. His remit included sales engineering, connectivity products, digital products, shared services, global networks and cyber security.

David joined OneWeb in July 2018 as Chief Solutions Architect, charged with linking the digital experience to the network capabilities.  Previously, David held roles at Inmarsat in engineering, corporate strategy, product management and product development. Here he built products ranging from silicon chips to IT platforms, led the specification and contracting of the Global Xpress network, and transacted several large M&A deals. 

David is an Industrial Fellow at the University of Bristol and advises the University on how best to equip students with the skills to succeed in modern high technology organizations. He holds a First Class Masters in Electronic Engineering.

× beynon

Stephen beynon

Co-General Manager, Eutelsat OneWeb

Stephen Beynon became Co-General Manager of Eutelsat OneWeb on the merger of Eutelsat with OneWeb in September 2023. Stephen and his Co-General Manager will together drive the Group’s ambition for customer centric, reliable and innovative connectivity product portfolios and profitable revenue growth across the vertical markets of Aviation, Maritime, Enterprise, Telco and Government connectivity.

Stephen joined OneWeb in May 2022 as Chief Commercial Officer where he is responsible for driving our strategy to achieve growth and commercial success for OneWeb and for its partners.

Prior to OneWeb, Stephen worked in the energy sector at Aggreko where he was President of Power Solutions, and Centrica where he ran British Gas Business and British Gas Residential Energy. 

Previously, Stephen worked in telecoms for more than 20 years. During this time, he led the B2B and wholesale divisions of Virgin Media in the UK and Optus in Australia, and the B2C business of Eir in Ireland. He began his career at Mercury Communications in London.

× eutelsat

Anne Carron

Chief Human Resources Officer

Anne Carron joined Eutelsat in 2021, as Chief Human Resources Officer.

During an extensive and diverse career, she has supported the growth and transformation of companies; first as a Corporate and M&A lawyer at Linklaters, and subsequently within the Carrefour Group in the posts of Deputy Legal Director and latterly Human Resources Director. Anne was instrumental in enhancing the operational performance of Carrefour by leveraging HR strategies to reinforce the customer mind-set across the teams, support digitization and accompany the evolution of the company towards greater agility and collaboration. She left Carrefour to found the consultancy HR Mobiliwork, offering HR services aimed at developing the collaboration between large groups and start-ups.

Anne is a graduate in Business Administration of the ESSEC Business School, and obtained a Certificate in Artificial Intelligence from the MIT Sloan School of Management. She is also a member of the Paris Bar and an INSEAD Certified Director. 

× Caudrelier

Christophe Caudrelier

Chief Financial Officer

Christophe Caudrelier joined Eutelsat as Chief Financial Officer, in December 2022.

Christophe joins Eutelsat from Tikehau Ace Capital Partners where he served as Operating Partner - Finance. Before joining Tikehau Ace Capital, Christophe, who started his career as an external auditor with Arthur Andersen, spent 17 years at Valeo where he held various positions in the US, Turkey, and the UK, including CFO of the Powertrain Systems Business Group before joining Naval Group as Group CFO in 2011. In 2015, he was appointed as CFO of the Bénéteau Group, and later COO in charge of finance and operational excellence.

Christophe is a graduate of the Ecole Supérieure des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (ESCP) Europe.

× Darlington

Joanna Darlington

Chief Communications Officer

Vanessa Mahoney became Chief Communications Officer of Eutelsat Group following the merger of Eutelsat and OneWeb.

She joined OneWeb as Chief of Staff to support the resumption of business operations as OneWeb emerged from Chapter 11 in November 2020. During this time, she held positions leading customer success, sales operations, corporate comms, government affairs, marketing and internal comms teams, as OneWeb successfully introduced commercial service and completed its global constellation.  She was also responsible for overseeing the successful integration of the OneWeb and Eutelsat businesses.

Previously, Vanessa was Vice President, Transformation at Thomson Reuters where she led a portfolio of strategic change programs including the integration of flagship legal software acquisition HighQ, the transformation of Thomson Reuters business in Latin America to a SaaS business model and the global rebrand which followed the merger of Thomson and Reuters. Prior, she was head of marketing at Reuters, and then Thomson Reuters, having started her career at FinTech pioneer, Misys, as marketing and PR manager.


Laurence Delpy

General Manager of the Video Business Unit

Laurence Delpy joined Eutelsat as General Manager of the Video Business Unit and member of the Executive Committee in September 2022. She brings with her an in-depth experience in business leadership in the Telecom industry, in both Asia and Europe.

She joins Eutelsat from Palo Alto Networks, a global cybersecurity leader, where she led their EMEA Service Providers business. Prior to that, Laurence managed Nokia’s mobile network business for the Asia-Pacific region and Japan, where she lived and worked for 25 years.

From 2012 to 2016, Laurence served as Vice President of Alcatel-Lucent’s mobile business in Asia and Deputy Vice President of the network business in China within their joint venture, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell. From 2010 to 2012 she was Vice President and General Manager of the GSM product line. Prior to that, she held several sales positions in Telstra, Alcatel and Alcatel-Alstom in Australia, South Asia and France.

Laurence is an Independent Director of Soitec, an international company specialised in generating and manufacturing high performance semiconductor materials. She graduated from the École supérieure de gestion in Paris, France and holds a degree in Business Administration. She also holds a certificate in general administration from INSEAD in Singapore.

× Dujardin

Cyril Dujardin

President of the Connectivity Business Unit

Cyril Dujardin was appointed General Manager of Eutelsat's Connectivity Business Unit (BU) in 2022 and is a member of the Group's Executive Committee.

Before joining Eutelsat, Cyril Dujardin was SVP, Deputy Head of the Big Data & Security business line at Atos, after heading its cybersecurity and mission critical systems operations.

With a track record of more than 20 years in high-growth technology industries, Cyril Dujardin has run complex organisations experiencing various business cycles.

He also brings a strong international culture, having served as Managing Director of Sagem's Australian subsidiary and subsequently managed over 6,000 employees in some 40 countries.

Cyril Dujardin is a French national and a former auditor of the French Institute of Defence Studies (IHEDN). He graduated from the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ponts ParisTech.

× ladovaz

Massimiliano ladovaz

Chief Operations Officer

Massimiliano became Chief Operations Officer on the merger of Eutelsat with OneWeb in September 2023.  Massimiliano leads the team responsible for all infrastructure-run activities, including Satellite Operations Centers (SOC), Network Operations Centers (NOC), Satellite Network Portals (SNPs), Teleports, PMO and Quality. Importantly Massimiliano also leads the completion of the LEO Gen1 service roll-out.

Previously at OneWeb, in his role as Chief Technology Officer, led the engineering teams, the design, manufacture and delivery of OneWeb’s satellites, launch programme, systems, ground and user terminal , R&D, as well as satellite operations. He was also responsible for the design of the next generation of system infrastructure aspiring to achieve outstanding technical solutions and innovation.

Massimiliano joined OneWeb in April 2018 and as part of the core executive team supported the fund-raising effort that successfully secured $1.25B in 2019 as well as the sales effort to HMG and Bharti and therefore exit from Chapter 11 in 2020.

Massimiliano was SVP, Space Segment & System Architecture at Inmarsat, leading the design, procurement and deployment of several multibillion programs and previously VP Spacecraft Platform Engineering and Launch Systems at SES. Massimiliano began his career at the European Space Agency and holds a Masters in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Rome.

× Lenotte

Jean-Hubert Lenotte

Chief Strategy and Resources Officer

Jean-Hubert Lenotte joined Eutelsat in September 2013, as the Group’s Director of Strategy, and became a member of the Executive Committee in 2016 as Director of Strategy and Strategic Marketing.

In June 2019, he also took charge of the Deployment Department and is responsible for Eutelsat’s satellite fleet, frequency management and resource planning. This newly revamped department is now known as the Strategy and Resources Department.

Jean-Hubert began his career at Bouygues where he was notably part of the project team that created Bouygues Telecom in 1994. He joined McKinsey & Company in Paris in 1997 and was elected Partner in 2004. In 2009, he headed the Consumer Service Line of McKinsey & Company in the global telecommunications, media and technology practice.

A Belgian national, he is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and holds a Masters degree in Economy and Finance from the Institute of Political Sciences in Paris.


Eutelsat Communications, spółka holdingowa Eutelsat S.A., to wiodący w Europie operator satelitarny, plasujący się również w trójce najlepszych operatorów na świecie.